Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Just some images from the back yard, a picture made by Sweetpea with garden finds and a print I bought at the National art gallery to hang in my office (when i get organised).

Thought it expressed the inner frustration we all experience in our lives - the child in all of us, lurks deep within. It also makes me smile as the simplicity of it was so overwhelmed by the feelings the child expressed. The third child it is called - I guess the older two had it over her. Don't we all feel like this on one day or another?

I made Sweetpea some winter skirts, although the weather has been very balmy, 25 degrees most days. I think the snow this year is going to be worse than last year. I call them green fibre pile skirt, red circus skirt & Japanese blue (as the lining is a Japanese fabric - like water, Sweetpea liked this idea).I was also going to make a beautiful red woollen a-line jacket, but there seems like there is no need. It would have been lovely to walk to the bus stop in. Found these really cool large red glossy flower buttons about 30mm in diameter, they are perfect. Frustration's with the weather - never happy with what we have got - I guess it is the human condition.

Last weekend I did a course, print making, I had great fun, met some new people, tried out a new technique. I did a Banksia cone for the blog, eggs in an oval for our girls, little owls for the kids. They were all experimental plays with texture as I had never used this technique - nothing serious - all quite amature but that is why I was there. deffinently going to be doing some more! The last imge is the plates, they are just cutting/paper/cloth/alfoil etc stuck down and then shelacked

Another in my catchup of life - we went to the Snowie Mountains for Easter, working bee at our lodge and we had a great time. Met some nice people, did a little work, went for a couple of walks, found a square metre of snow! ..... and the Easter bunny found us, unfortunately Sweetpea has allergies which meant she was sick for the rest of the school holidays as a secondary infection kicked in. Shes fine now. Well here are the images:


It has been a while since my last post - sorry - (especially to you little bug). We had some free tickets to see the new lighting in the caves and saw the new self guided tour cave, which was weird from the days my father use to do science there.

The kids loved the voice over - for the whole of 60 seconds!

On our way back up out of the Jenolan valley we were treated to a wandering Echidna, we pulled over and watched him cross the road safely. It was wonderful for the kids to see one in real life - aunatural.